2018 has arrived and we couldn't be more excited! The new year is a great time to start thinking about installing that beautiful floor you've been holding out on. Beyond that, it's a perfect opportunity to dream up all of the amazing DIY projects you can make out of the scraps from your old floor.
Recycling is extremely important for the environment, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun too! Whether you have sentimental attachment to your family's floorboards or are just enjoy a good craft, flooring scraps offer a unique avenue to add some spice to your decor. Here are a few ideas to inspire your New Year's endeavor!
Hardwood / Laminate Flooring
Use wood or laminate flooring to make an eye-catching outdoor mat, coat hanger, or accent wall. The addition of hardwood (or its look-alike) to your home's aesthetic is so popular right now, that you're sure to turn heads with your work!
Mud Mat
Photo by Ryan Benyi (Click on the picture for how-to steps)
Decorative Coat Hanger
Photo by Bestlaminate
Accent Wall
Photo by
Tile can be a bit tricky to use from an old floor as there are usually a lot of chipped and broken pieces involved in the process of removing tile flooring, so we've included a few projects that can be created with leftover tiles from your new floor! Spare tiles are a great medium for creativity, and whatever is broken can easily be turned into a mosaic masterpiece!
Secret Spare Key Hiding Spot
Photo by (click picture to see instructions)
Personalized Coasters
Photo by (click picture to see instructions)
Mosaic Table Top
Photo by LM Reid (click picture to see instructions)
Mosaic PVC Pipe Planters
Photo by szinesotletek (click picture to see instructions)
To be honest, we weren't sure what we were in for when we started looking for carpet repurposing ideas. Like wood, carpeting tends to show its use over the years, but the distressed look isn't quite as appealing with the latter. But, as we should have known, the people of the internet are incredibly inventive and we were able to find some pretty ingenious projects that you can easily do at home.
Carpet Games
Photo by Spoonful
Scratching Squares for Cats
Photo by
Door Protectors
Photo by Rob Howard (click picture to see instructions and other useful ideas)
Feeling inspired yet? If you have the next brilliant idea of how to recycle flooring scraps, leave us a comment! We'd love to share your idea with the Grand Rapids community!